Saturday, February 04, 2006

Have I forgotten my New Year Resolution already?

No, I haven't. In fact I have been very busy with my blog. I wanted to add a new feature to it. You will find a kind of atom reader at the top of the page. I could have done it in flash but since I am a great fan of (free) open source, I did it in SVG. I have had quite a few problems with it though. This is because the server where I am hosting it does not have SVG mime types. Also, because I have to read atoms from the different blogs and the way web security works, I had to use PHP. The server has php4 and parsing xml through it was quite messy. Other problems I had was related to browser compatibility. If you have adobesvg plugin v3.03 you might still be unable to view the vector graphics. The svg file was created with the aid of Inkscape. It's a beautiful tool. For those whose site shows on the svg, let me know if you want me remove the reference. Otherwise, I would like to have your feedback.

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey thats quiet cool , real nice bro seems like something i might use myself :) .