Friday, April 07, 2006

An Outstanding new Blog for everyone to read

As always, I like to surf the net for new blogs, especially Mauritian ones. It has been nearly two months since I discovered "An Economist in Paradise". We have seen General, Technical and Political blogs from Mauritians but this is the first blog on Economics from the Mauritian side of Blogosphere.

Fazeer is a Lecturer in Economics at the University of Mauritius. He sees economics in every aspect of life.

His articles are outstanding and is worth a read by everyone - not just Mauritians or Economists, honestly. Visit his blog and judge for yourselves.

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Tuesday, April 04, 2006

They have finally touched down

The Ilois have finally touched down their home land. It must have been a really emotional moment for them.

Please read the following article from Le Mauricien:

- Google-Translated (Scroll down to "Chagos: first emotions at midday with broad of Solomon":

- Original (in French):

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Saturday, April 01, 2006

A little good news for the Chagossians

Preparations are being made for 102 Chagossians to visit their birth place. They will be there for 12 days and will be accompanied by two priests, a stonemason, a doctor, a nurse and a British official. Plaques marking their visit will be setup at every stop.

However, this is not the end of their struggle. In fact, it is only the beginning. It is a great disgust to hear over and over again that re-settling these people is not worthy of British tax payers' money. It is a real sadness to know that the British Government does not respect its own institutions, especially the High Court.

Please spread the words in any way you that suits you, my friends. Let the world know the suffering of these poor people - people who were living peacefully on their land and flushed out by the British.

Source from the BBC article:

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Saturday, February 04, 2006

Have I forgotten my New Year Resolution already?

No, I haven't. In fact I have been very busy with my blog. I wanted to add a new feature to it. You will find a kind of atom reader at the top of the page. I could have done it in flash but since I am a great fan of (free) open source, I did it in SVG. I have had quite a few problems with it though. This is because the server where I am hosting it does not have SVG mime types. Also, because I have to read atoms from the different blogs and the way web security works, I had to use PHP. The server has php4 and parsing xml through it was quite messy. Other problems I had was related to browser compatibility. If you have adobesvg plugin v3.03 you might still be unable to view the vector graphics. The svg file was created with the aid of Inkscape. It's a beautiful tool. For those whose site shows on the svg, let me know if you want me remove the reference. Otherwise, I would like to have your feedback.

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Friday, January 06, 2006

Mauritius has to abolish the Death Penalty

- Port Louis, Mauritius, 12/18 - The Mauritian branch of Amnesty International (AI) has petitioned Prime Minister Navin Ramgoolam demanding the scrapping of the death penalty in the island nation. - [Angola Press]

Dear readers,

This is the kind of news you have to be very careful of. According the Angola Press the capital punishment has been put on hold on the island. The death penalty has been completely abolished in Mauritius since 1989. This news agency seem to be profitting on hypes rather than facts - just like many.

This confirms one of my common statement as true: Make sure you know the Authenticity of the source.

Why does google (News) trust this source???

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Monday, January 02, 2006

Happy New Year 2006

Happy New Year 2006 dear readers,

I know that quite a few of you have recently been visiting just in case there are any updates.

2006 for me is more of managing my time better. As ever, I have more things that I want to do. I have to get my Charter sorted and definitely regularly updating my blogs (and now my podcasts :)).

2005 has been very hectic and I do not expect this year to be otherwise. However, I am intending to make the most of it and start by putting my visions into practice.

Things I intend to do this year:

  • Learn a new language
  • Home Makeover
  • Think and document on a possible new methodology on education system (in Mauritius)
  • Setup MySQL/Apache for our home server
  • Learn a few Car fixing skills (we may never know)
  • Update you with the status of the Chagossian Ilois



From Faisal & Fehmeedah

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