Thursday, July 07, 2005

Four Blasts on London by Terrorists (WAS: Seven Blasts on London by Terrorists)

London has been rocked by four explosions causing several casualties. Four terrorists acts have been confirmed by the Home Secretary, Charles Clarke. The explosions affected six stations, Edgware Road, King's Cross, Liverpool Street, Russell Square, Aldgate East and Moorgate, and Travistock Square where a Double Decker bus was ripped apart. So far only two dead have been announce. Imagine that you were just travelling to work via the Underground as usual, imagine that you are a mere tourist going to the centre of London on the Picadilly Line - How on earth would you expect that you would have been victim of a terrorist attack. This is a very shameful act by very shameless people. It is barbaric just as the Prime Minister has described it. It is an unjust act on innocent people. I felt worse than when the Twin Towers were attacked on the 11th September 2001. It is true that the act on New York was far more fatal but I have a dear sister in London. I have lots of cousins that I consider as brothers living and working in London, not forgetting all the uncles and aunts of mine from the same city. It can even be that a close friend of mine from University is among the victims. London is a city of diversity of all races and religions. Ninet nine percent of all Londoners from all communities respect each others beliefs - more than any other major cities in this world. It just does not deserve such terror to happen on its people. All I have to say is that those who cause injustice on others, especially severe ones, Justice is catching on them. They have labelled themselves for the worst, not us.


Fej said...

I was very saddened to hear about the attacks in London. I hope all of your friends and loved ones are okay.

There is no good about this.

Faisal ... said...

Hi Fej

Thanks for your concern and support. Fortunately all my friends and family are doing well. It is a relief